So, my time here in Iraq is quickly winding down To look back over the last year and wonder where has the time gone. it seems just like yesterday that Big T was crawling around the house. In October he will be turning two. WOW!!! It is hard to believe that most of his life he has grown up without a dad around. I am very lucky and grateful to have a super woman wife to raise that little terror.
I am still not sure about these blogs but I am giving them a shot. Anyways as I was saying earlier, time has gone by with blazing speed for me. It doesn't seem like I have been gone from Montana since September 20th. Today I begin my winding down of my things and packing the rest of my bags for the big move. We get the tents for the last few weeks on COB Adder. How awesome is that. Thank you top from the bottom.
And onto the nickname for my Wife. I hope she likes it or she can help me get her a new one. "CC" which means Curious Cami. If that doesn't work then I am out of ideas and at a loss for anything grand. That is me for now.
The Life...
Livin' in Iraq and not lovin' life as much as I could but it is an experience I will never forget and will be able to use as a plus for my future.
Sadam Driving Range
Nice form
Monday, August 1, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I am new to blogs, but I guess it will be a sporadic journal for those who wish to view it. Days are counting down more and more each day. Pretty soon I will be stateside once again, and life will be going by so fast that I will not know what to do. So I am lucky to have Cami as my wife to help me hold on and never let go. She has been more then I can even put into words. She has been with me through thick and thin and some of the toughest times I have ever faced was with her by my side, but the best of the best were with her standing by my side as well. I am indeed the luckiest man alive. No doubt about it. Until the next time. Later all
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